Becoming an Oculofacial Plastic Surgeon

Defining Oculofacial Plastic Surgeon | Oasis Eye Face and Skin, Ashland

Becoming an Oculofacial Plastic Surgeon

A lot of people don’t know what an oculofacial plastic surgeon is—or what their training entails—until they’re prioritizing the aesthetics and health of their eyes. At Oasis Eye Face and Skin, board-certified oculofacial plastic surgeon Dr. Schiedler is the top eye specialist in the Medford area and the only expert you should trust with your eyes. Sometimes called Ophthalmic Plastic Surgeon or Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, this type of surgeon specializes in the plastic, medical, and surgical management of eyelid issues. They are trained to address the tear duct (lacrimal) system and nearby facial structures, as well as the orbit (eye socket).

The Eyes Have It

Like every surgeon, an oculofacial plastic surgeon holds an MD and likely pursued undergraduate courses related to the sciences. After achieving these degrees, usually, in eight years, they undergo a vigorous, additional training program. This program includes a year-long surgery internship plus a three-year residency in ophthalmology, and finally two years of an advanced training fellowship in ophthalmic plastic, orbit, and reconstructive surgery. In total, an oculofacial plastic surgeon undergoes a minimum of 14 years of higher education and advanced training before they are a full-fledged eye specialist.

You (and your eyes) deserve such extensive training because the eyelid area is very delicate and complex. It’s paramount in any procedure to preserve eyesight while ensuring the face remains “normal-looking” and untouched. Whether you’re considering upper eyelid surgery to treat ptosis and signs of aging, a deep chemical peel, or are interested in dermal fillers to fill out the hollow under-eye area, there’s no room to take risks with your eyes and vision.

Schedule Your Consultation

Only an oculofacial surgeon with years of experience like Dr. Schiedler has the skill necessary to perform medical and cosmetic eyelid surgery and treatments. However, even within the very niche field of oculofacial surgery, there are illustrious surgeons who are at the very top. Dr. Schiedler attended the top universities and programs in the country. Fluent in English and Spanish, she’s uniquely suited to treat patients in Southern Oregon looking for the absolute best in eye surgery. Schedule your consultation at Oasis Eye Face Skin today by calling 541-708-6393.

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